Special keywords can be used as placeholders in the output file names, to be replaced with dynamic values during the execution. The set of available keywords depends on the module you are using. Right click on the text field of the File names settings panel to find out what are the available keywords


Replaced by the current page number in the input document.

[CURRENTPAGE###] generates three digits file names like 001.pdf, 002.pdf
[CURRENTPAGE12] generates file names starting from 13, i.e. 13.pdf, 14.pdf
[CURRENTPAGE###12] generates three digits filenames starting from 13, i.e. 013.pdf, 014.pdf


Replaced by the current date and time.


Replaced by the current file number.

[FILENUMBER###] generates three digits file names like 001.pdf, 002.pdf
[FILENUMBER12] generates file names starting from 13, i.e. 13.pdf, 14.pdf
[FILENUMBER###12] generates three digits filenames starting from 13, i.e. 013.pdf, 014.pdf


Replaced by the original file name (without extension), it must be used together with other placehoders ensuring unique names.

[CURRENTPAGE]_[BASENAME] generates 1_input-file.pdf, 3_input-file.pdf, etc


Replaced by the total number of generated PDF files.

If the task created a total of 12 PDF files, [FILENUMBER]_of_[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER] generates 1_of_12.pdf, 2_of_12.pdf, etc


Replaced by the current bookmark name and only applicable when splitting by bookmarks.

[CURRENTPAGE]_[BOOKMARK_NAME] generates 1-Introduction.pdf, 4-Chapter 1.pdf, etc


Same as [BOOKMARK_NAME] with the difference that non-alphanumberic characters are removed.