PDFsam Visual is the perfect program for quickly and easily converting multiple image files (JPG, PNG, TIFF, BPM, GIF, SVG, AVIF, WEBP) into one PDF file. Set the page margins, format and orientation and get a single PDF file containing the selected images
How to convert images to PDF with PDFsam Visual
- Drag and drop the image files you want to convert to PDF
- Select the page format
- Select the orientation
- Add margin if needed
Multiple formats supported
Not only JPG, with PDFsam Visual you can also convert PNG, TIFF, WEBP, BMP, SVG, AVIF, GIF.
We value your privacy
Your PDF files are processed locally and never leave your computer. They are not uploaded to any server, keeping them away from prying eyes.
Easy to print and share
Grouping images in a single PDF file simplifies printing, sharing and reduces the number of files to manage.
Flexible settings
With PDFsam Visual you can convert images to PDF by selecting the format and orientation of the page and adding a margin if necessary.
Fast image conversion
Converting from JPG (or other image formats) to PDF is extremely fast and secure, it is done locally on your computer, without having to wait for the images to be uploaded to a remote server.
Supports all major platforms
PDFsam Visual works on all major operating systems, including Windows, MacOS and Linux.
More tools
How to compress PDF files
Compress PDF files reducing their size and selecting the overall quality...